About Us
Following constantly the trends and the development on the market, Garrido Grup has been among the first Romanian companies which has understood and promoted the integration of services as a key factor in reaching success.
From the very beginning, our goal was to help producers and entrepreneurs to enter and secure a lasting place on the  market. Many of them needed professional expertise in order to reach the best results for their business and that’s where we stepped in.
Always aiming big achievements, we’ve reached (depending on the client’s need) local, regional, national, international and even global markets in order to achieve our client’s needs.
Our Expertise
One of the most important things when you have a business or you want to start one is to have a sharp overview about on the market you want to activate on. To face today’s market challenges, you need solid strategies and adequate supply solutions. Behind the success of a product or categories of products stands an entire strategy that requires time and effort. It goes without saying that the goal of every retailer or producer is to make a profit - the bigger the better. But generally speaking everyone’s satisfied to see fast incomes increase.
With 18 years of experience in the field, Garrido Group can help you to achieve all of the above, being a professional in providing following services:
- Global Sourcing
- Market Research
- Category Management
- Sales Development
- Conflict Mediation
Global Sourcing | Market Research | Category Management | Sales Development
Contact us
Address 1: 6 Aleea Dealul Măcinului St., 6th District,
Bucharest, Romania
Address 2: 25 Mihail Kogălniceanu St.,
Focșani, Jud. Vrancea, Romania
Mail: office@garrido.ro
Mobil: 0722 370 976